OK, now that we've cracked open a couple of beers from a previous batch (you know, checking quality control) it is time to move on to Step 2 - Make the Wort. Wort is simply all of the beer ingredients mixed together without the yeast, essentially it's flat beer. We have used kits that have already "mashed" the grains into malt and are now starting to do our own mashing. The mashing process adds about 2 hours to the brewing effort, a small price to pay for extra drinking time!
Here's are the actions for Step 2:
Fill pot with water from the tap and bring to boil.
Add cans of malt or mashed grains.
Add hops.
Let the pot boil for 45 to 60 minutes.
Beer Trivia: A pint of beer has the same energy giving value as four eggs or more than half a pound of meat!
Chris Elliott adding hops to the wort during the boil.

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