Saturday, November 1, 2008

Going Green

A year ago I set a goal to "Live my life to have less impact on the environment". I believe that I was successful. Here are a few of the things that I did (and am still doing).

1. Walk or ride my bike to work one day per week. I live one mile from work and I found this easier than I thought it would be. I actually averaged two days per week and during the summer some weeks it was 4 days.
2. Re-use grocery sacks. I use the sacks to buy groceries again. As an added bonus a local grocery store, Festival Foods, pays you a nickel for each sack you re-use. Not only helping the environment but the pocketbook as well. I keep the sacks in the trunk of my car.
3. Recycle glass and paper at home. OK.. it's mandated by law but I still do it!
4. Mulch food scraps. All of the food scraps that do not contain fats go into my compost pit instead of the landfill. I have a stainless steel container on my counter next to the sink to put the materials when cooking.
5. Use compact fluorescent bulbs. About 3/4 of our bulbs are now changed. It takes a bit of adjustment to not have "instant" light when the switch is flipped and it's really no big deal. Can't say that I've checked the electric bill to see if we are getting the savings promised.
6. Use recycled paper to print. I use previously printed paper to print documents that are for my use only. Not only is this saving paper in the landfill but it is cheaper as well.
7. Pass magazines I've read onto others. I've found others that want the magazines I read except for Business Week.

Please share any ideas you may have. I'm always looking for ways to be "greener".

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