May 24, 2010 – 9.5 miles hiked

We woke up this morning to 35 degree temperatures – really cold for walking in and out of water. None the less we got on the trail around 8am, all wearing shorts, long sleeve shirts, and fleece. There were 33 water crossings total today, all before 1pm. Unfortunately, before we completed the water crossings Lori's sandal came apart. There is a picture of the duct tape repairs we had to make so she could continue the hike. At 1pm we reached Hell’s Hole Trail (268) where we stopped, put on our boots (glad to get out of wet socks and sandals), and loaded up with water since we were not sure if there would be water at our camp for the night. Then we headed up hill for a 1000 foot assent. We blew right through Hell’s Hole with out even noticing it and took Lilly Park Trail (164) towards our goal for the night - Prior Cabin. We were walking along Prior Creek which had no water for the longest time and towards 5 pm we finally spotted water in the creek. We were all pretty beat by this time and wanted to camp with water so we choose a flat spot close to Prior Creek to set up camp. Again we cooled the wine in the creek but only drank one bottle. We learned the next day that Prior Creek continued to get larger and Prior Cabin was only about ¼ mile further up the trail where there was plenty of flat spots and a nice fire ring. Oh well… we enjoyed our spot none the less.
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