May 25, 2010 – 12 miles hiked
It was 28 degrees when we got up but it warmed up quickly and pretty soon we were all sweating after hitting the trail. Shortly after starting we hit Prior Creek Trail (156) and headed east. The terrain was mainly flat with some minor ups and downs so we made very good time. We had lunch at the junction of Prior Creek Trail (156) and Big Bear Canyon Trail (28) and having done most of the planned mileage for the day we decided to change our goal and get all the way to the Middle Fork River. Shortly before hitting Little Bear Canyon Trail (729) we ran into some Adventure Scouts (4 scouts and 3 adult leaders) that were using a GPS for guidance and hiking up hill looking for the Middle Fork. Much to their dismay, when we showed them the map they realized they had missed a turn and had hiked up hill an extra mile. Our lesson – a GPS is good at telling you where you are but you need a map to determine if you are heading in the right direction. We continued the generally down hill trail until we headed north on Little Bear Canyon Trail (729). At the junction of the trail and the Middle Fork River there were numerous, flat, spacious camp sites and no one there so we picked the best one.
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