Just a quick note to record the investment club decisions this month. Four stocks were presented - that might be a first for the club. Overall the portfolio is in better shape than it has been in quite awhile. We still need less technology and more mid and small cap stocks. We'd also like to increase the estimated sales for the overall portfolio.
We decided to:
Sell $2,500 worth of Fiserv (FISV). Reasoning: it is a technology stock and our largest holding, almost too large and it gives us enough cash to buy into a new position in one of the stocks presented tonight.
Buy $3,100 worth of Quality Systems (QSII). This stocks was the best of the four presented and it meets several of the portfolio needs. It's a quality stock (78.1) with a project return (PAR) of 16.7 which is greater than our current portfolio PAR and is expected to growth at 20%, well above portfolio average growth of 9.4%. This small cap stock is in the health care sector.
The other stocks presented were Synutra (SYUT) - a food processing company, Atheros Communication (ATHR) - a communications company, RECN - a staffing company.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
Investment Club - July 2010
Only four members in attendance at this meeting - attendance always goes down in the summer. We did not present any new stocks at this meeting. We didn't have an updated spreadsheet so our portfolio review was just cursory. Regardless I think we made good decisions.
Number of Stocks: 14 (goal is 16 plus or minus 4)
Company Size: We assume this is still the same as last month. Large, Mid and Small are all out of tolerance. Our intent was to lower large cap and increase small or mid cap.
Sectors: We assumed this is still the same as last month. All in tolerance except for Technology. We decided that whatever we did we would try to lower our exposure in Technology and at a minimum we would not increase it.
Individual Stock Percentage: Neutral Tandem (TNDM) is too low as a percentage of our portfolio. Our methodology says that we need to sell or add more.
Percent Annual Return: in the sweet spot but on the low side
Quality: Good
Growth: in tolerance but on the low side
Individual Stocks analysis: Two stocks are of concern.
Neutral Tandem (TNDM) due to being a small percentage of the portfolio and the news on Apollo (APOL)is not good. Irene sent out before the meeting some analyst notes about Apollo. Most telling was the comment by one analyst that an investor should "forget about it". Also, the PAR for Apollo is 28 which is well above the sweet spot and just too good to be true.
Our intent this month is to maintain PAR and Growth while improving Mid and Small company size while addressing the stock that is a small portion of the portfolio.
DECISION: Sell all of Apollo based upon the negative news and our poor expectation about the future of the company given the government take over of college funding (for profits will most likely be squeezed by the government). With the proceeds from the sale and our available cash we voted to purchase $3,000 worth of US Ecology (ECOL) and about $1800 of Neutral Tandem (TNDM). Both stocks are small cap and have PAR's in the sweet spot. The purchase of additional TNDM also raises its percentage of the portfolio into the acceptable range.
Number of Stocks: 14 (goal is 16 plus or minus 4)
Company Size: We assume this is still the same as last month. Large, Mid and Small are all out of tolerance. Our intent was to lower large cap and increase small or mid cap.
Sectors: We assumed this is still the same as last month. All in tolerance except for Technology. We decided that whatever we did we would try to lower our exposure in Technology and at a minimum we would not increase it.
Individual Stock Percentage: Neutral Tandem (TNDM) is too low as a percentage of our portfolio. Our methodology says that we need to sell or add more.
Percent Annual Return: in the sweet spot but on the low side
Quality: Good
Growth: in tolerance but on the low side
Individual Stocks analysis: Two stocks are of concern.
Neutral Tandem (TNDM) due to being a small percentage of the portfolio and the news on Apollo (APOL)is not good. Irene sent out before the meeting some analyst notes about Apollo. Most telling was the comment by one analyst that an investor should "forget about it". Also, the PAR for Apollo is 28 which is well above the sweet spot and just too good to be true.
Our intent this month is to maintain PAR and Growth while improving Mid and Small company size while addressing the stock that is a small portion of the portfolio.
DECISION: Sell all of Apollo based upon the negative news and our poor expectation about the future of the company given the government take over of college funding (for profits will most likely be squeezed by the government). With the proceeds from the sale and our available cash we voted to purchase $3,000 worth of US Ecology (ECOL) and about $1800 of Neutral Tandem (TNDM). Both stocks are small cap and have PAR's in the sweet spot. The purchase of additional TNDM also raises its percentage of the portfolio into the acceptable range.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Gila Wilderness Backpack Trip - Day 5
May 27, 2010 – 4 miles hiked
Our final day in the back country. We returned to the trail head via the Little Bear Canyon Trail (729). After an initial up hill section from the river the trail was generally down hill with nothing remarkable. Even walking slowly we were at the cars by 10 am after which we went to Doc’s Trading Post for lunch and soda while waiting for the 1 pm Gila Cliff Dwelling guided tour. The tour is well worth the wait and the story of the cliff dwelling people is amazing. Included are pictures of the cliff dwellings from a distance, up close, and looking outward.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Gila Wilderness Backpack Trip - Day 4
May 26, 2010 – 4 miles hiked
Today was an easy day as we only planned to hike to Jordan Hot Springs along the Middle Fork Trail (157) which is only 2 miles one way from our campsite. There are a total of 15 waters crossings (one way) so we decided to wait until 10 am to start the trip. The hot spring is absolutely fantastic and relaxing. The description of its location from the guide book made it sound as though we would have to search for the hot springs. Nothing could be further from the truth. Only a blind man with a horrible sense of direction could have missed the “hot tubs” that have been created out of the hot spring. We spent over an hour soaking up the 90+ degree water. The temperature was just right for prolonged soaking. When we arrived there was on guy, totally naked, in the hot spring. Ed told him we had a lady with us and all he did was look at Ed and said nothing. We all got in (with shorts or bathing suits) and shortly thereafter two ladies who had ridden up on horse back joined us. There were 8 in the “hot tub” with room for 8 more.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Gila Wilderness Backpack Trip - Day 3
May 25, 2010 – 12 miles hiked
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Gila Wilderness Backpack Trip - Day 2
May 24, 2010 – 9.5 miles hiked
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Gila Wilderness Backpack Trip - Day 1
Summary: This 35 mile loop hike is not overly strenuous but there are 85 thigh deep water crossings in swift moving water. The water crossings are not real difficult but care must be taken and 2 hiking poles (for extra stability) is recommended. Day and night time temperatures are just about perfect for hiking and sleeping and bugs are at a minimum. Pictured at the left are Lori Fisher, Carl Fisher, John Gundry, Joe Gundry, and Ed Tucker.
May 23, 2010 – 6 miles hiked
Our loop hike started from the ranger station near the base of the Gila Cliff Dwellings on the West Fork Trail (151) which follows the West Fork of the Gila River. A volunteer told us that we could avoid two river crossings by taking a social trail and we did so. The trail was difficult and probably not worth the effort as we ended up doing 22 river crossings before the day was done so 2 more would not have been a big deal. The river crossings were more challenging than we had envisioned. Of course, the ranger had told me there were numerous crossings, up to mid-thigh depth. So… in my mind that meant that most of the crossings were going to be rock hopping or ankle depth and there would be a few deep crossings. It was actually the opposite. We hiked most of the first day and ½ of the second day in our water shoes – most of which were not appropriate or sturdy enough. One plus while walking along a river is little to no elevation change. We camped the first night along the river somewhat short of the half way point. There were several nice camp sites and Joe was able to have a fire because we pitched our 3 tents far enough away to not have sparks from the fire burn holes in them (experience taught us this lesson). We are in the habit of carrying wine on our trips (in bladders designed for that purpose). We bring one bottle per night so on this trip we had four bottles. The first bottle we chilled in the river to a perfect temperature. The wine would have gone well with Gouda cheese, however, I left the cheese, apples, jerky, a sub sandwich and fresh veggies in the hotel room refrigerator! Damn. We didn’t stop at one bottle and finished a second one (we reasoned it was less weight to carry the next day!)
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Am I Cheap?
Just wondering - Am I cheap, frugal, or very wise?
I got a renewal notice for my Runner's World magazine subscription which just expired. The notice offered me a "special price" for $21.97 for 12 issues or $1.83 per issue. The notice also indicated that I could get 18 issues for the same price if I renewed online. So being FRUGAL I decided to go online to renew and to get the price per issue reduced to $1.22 for a total savings of almost $11.00.
So I go online, press subscribe (couldn't find a renew button) and what comes up is a new subscriber price of $24 for 24 months or only $1.00 per issue. Now I'm kind of ticked off. Why should a new subscriber get a better rate and an existing customer? So what did I do? Picked up the phone and called customer service. The call was this quick.
CS rep: How may I help you?
Carl: I want to renew my subscription but I don't want to pay more than a new subscriber would pay.
CS rep: How much was the offer?
Carl: $24 for 24 issues
CS rep: OK, I can give you that rate. How would you like to pay for it?
Carl: Send me a bill please.
CS rep: OK. Is there anything else I can help you with (they are trained to say that)?
Carl: No - Thank you.
So by making the call I saved $21.97. Does all this effort make me cheap, frugal, or wise?
I got a renewal notice for my Runner's World magazine subscription which just expired. The notice offered me a "special price" for $21.97 for 12 issues or $1.83 per issue. The notice also indicated that I could get 18 issues for the same price if I renewed online. So being FRUGAL I decided to go online to renew and to get the price per issue reduced to $1.22 for a total savings of almost $11.00.
So I go online, press subscribe (couldn't find a renew button) and what comes up is a new subscriber price of $24 for 24 months or only $1.00 per issue. Now I'm kind of ticked off. Why should a new subscriber get a better rate and an existing customer? So what did I do? Picked up the phone and called customer service. The call was this quick.
CS rep: How may I help you?
Carl: I want to renew my subscription but I don't want to pay more than a new subscriber would pay.
CS rep: How much was the offer?
Carl: $24 for 24 issues
CS rep: OK, I can give you that rate. How would you like to pay for it?
Carl: Send me a bill please.
CS rep: OK. Is there anything else I can help you with (they are trained to say that)?
Carl: No - Thank you.
So by making the call I saved $21.97. Does all this effort make me cheap, frugal, or wise?
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Investment Club - June 2010
Five members in attendance at this meeting. Terry presented a new stock to the club, American Science Engineering (ASEI). The company engages in the development, manufacture, marketing, and sale of X-ray inspection and other detection solutions primarily for homeland security markets in the US and internationally.
Number of Stocks: 14 (goal is 16 plus or minus 4)
Company Size: Large, Mid and Small are all out of tolerance. We need less large and more mid and small.
Sectors: All in tolerance except for Technology. We need less technology but are getting close to our goal of no more than 25% (now at 28.1%)
Individual Stock Percentage: Two stocks Hornbeck (HOS) and Neutral Tandem (TNDM) are too low as a percentage of our portfolio. Our methodology says that we need to sell or add more. This is the first time since we've adopted this methodology we have TWO individual stocks out of tolerance. Last month Sun Power (SPWRA) was too low and we decided to sell.
Percent Annual Return: in the sweet spot but on the low side
Quality: Good
Growth: in tolerance but on the low side
Individual Stocks analysis: Two stocks are of concern.
Hornbeck Offshore Services (HOS) not only is too small a percentage of the portfolio but its PAR is just north of zero (was negative last month) and Neutral Tandem (TNDM) due to being a small percentage of the portfolio.
Our intent this month is to increase PAR and Growth while improving Mid and Small company size while addressing the stocks that are a small portion of the portfolio.
DECISION: Sell all of Hornbeck (HOS). The current long term outlook for the oil related stock is not positive and the club does not have enough information to determine if the market has over reacted to depress the price or if there is a fundamental long term down draft for the oil industry. Removing HOS from the portfolio improved PAR if we use the funds to purchase a higher PAR stock. The overall quality of the portfolio is improved as HOS quality is only 32 with 65 or higher being quality on this 1 to 100 scale.
Buy American Science Engineering (ASEI) with the proceeds from the sale of HOS and available cash. ASEI has a PAR of 15, quality of 70.6, and a 16% growth rate improve all three of these factors.
Continue to hold Neutral Tandem (TNDM) although it is a small holding. Our belief is that the price has been driven down unfairly by a recent lawsuit that has not been ruled in its favor. TNDM is a well managed company so we plan to hold on and to add to the holding in the future.
Apollo (APOL) is on the hot seat for next month. We don't like the fact that the government has taken of the college loan programs. The government will most likely tighten down lending at the for-profit colleges like Apollo which will hurt profitability. On-going lawsuits are another concern.
Number of Stocks: 14 (goal is 16 plus or minus 4)
Company Size: Large, Mid and Small are all out of tolerance. We need less large and more mid and small.
Sectors: All in tolerance except for Technology. We need less technology but are getting close to our goal of no more than 25% (now at 28.1%)
Individual Stock Percentage: Two stocks Hornbeck (HOS) and Neutral Tandem (TNDM) are too low as a percentage of our portfolio. Our methodology says that we need to sell or add more. This is the first time since we've adopted this methodology we have TWO individual stocks out of tolerance. Last month Sun Power (SPWRA) was too low and we decided to sell.
Percent Annual Return: in the sweet spot but on the low side
Quality: Good
Growth: in tolerance but on the low side
Individual Stocks analysis: Two stocks are of concern.
Hornbeck Offshore Services (HOS) not only is too small a percentage of the portfolio but its PAR is just north of zero (was negative last month) and Neutral Tandem (TNDM) due to being a small percentage of the portfolio.
Our intent this month is to increase PAR and Growth while improving Mid and Small company size while addressing the stocks that are a small portion of the portfolio.
DECISION: Sell all of Hornbeck (HOS). The current long term outlook for the oil related stock is not positive and the club does not have enough information to determine if the market has over reacted to depress the price or if there is a fundamental long term down draft for the oil industry. Removing HOS from the portfolio improved PAR if we use the funds to purchase a higher PAR stock. The overall quality of the portfolio is improved as HOS quality is only 32 with 65 or higher being quality on this 1 to 100 scale.
Buy American Science Engineering (ASEI) with the proceeds from the sale of HOS and available cash. ASEI has a PAR of 15, quality of 70.6, and a 16% growth rate improve all three of these factors.
Continue to hold Neutral Tandem (TNDM) although it is a small holding. Our belief is that the price has been driven down unfairly by a recent lawsuit that has not been ruled in its favor. TNDM is a well managed company so we plan to hold on and to add to the holding in the future.
Apollo (APOL) is on the hot seat for next month. We don't like the fact that the government has taken of the college loan programs. The government will most likely tighten down lending at the for-profit colleges like Apollo which will hurt profitability. On-going lawsuits are another concern.
Posted by
8:10 AM
investment club,
portfolio management,

Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Marathon Thoughts
On May 16, 2010 I completed my first marathon, the Cellcom Green Bay marathon. There were lots of spectators and all of them were well meaning, I'm sure. There were a couple of things said several times as I ran by the just irritated the hell out of me and a couple of things that seemed appropriate. Now since this was my first marathon my impressions may be totally off or wrong.
"You are almost there." To someone not running the full 26.2 miles it may seem appropriate to point out that there are only 3 more miles to go and "you are almost there". However, when I heard it I wanted to stop and strangle the person. I wasn't almost there - I still had 3 f...ing miles to go!
"It's easy." Oh yeah? Then why the hell aren't you out here doing it?
"Keep going." That is what I was saying to myself so having someone else say it helped to validate my self talk.
"You can do it." This countered my doubtful self talk that was saying, "What the hell were you thinking - you can't do this."
"Looking good." Say this one even if we all know it's a lie. I liked hearing it for some reason. I'm sure I looked like I was going to pass out - especially those last 3 miles.
"You are almost there." To someone not running the full 26.2 miles it may seem appropriate to point out that there are only 3 more miles to go and "you are almost there". However, when I heard it I wanted to stop and strangle the person. I wasn't almost there - I still had 3 f...ing miles to go!
"It's easy." Oh yeah? Then why the hell aren't you out here doing it?
"Keep going." That is what I was saying to myself so having someone else say it helped to validate my self talk.
"You can do it." This countered my doubtful self talk that was saying, "What the hell were you thinking - you can't do this."
"Looking good." Say this one even if we all know it's a lie. I liked hearing it for some reason. I'm sure I looked like I was going to pass out - especially those last 3 miles.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Cellcom Marathon 2010
Dave Elsen and Carl Fisher ready for the race to start. Here's my Marathon story.
The idea of running a marathon had its genesis about 30 years ago but laid dormant until last November 2009 when I was watching the last show of the season of the Biggest Loser where the final four contestants had to run a marathon. I said to myself, "If they can do it, so can I." And then in the next breath I said "But I'm sure my running partner, Melodie, won't want to do it (so I'm safe)." The next day at our regular run I mentioned that I was thinking about doing the Cellcom Green Bay marathon next year and, much to my surprise, she said "Sounds good to me." Damn! Now I had to do it!
Fast forward to May 16, 2010 - race day. After many months of training, running in cold, snowy, crappy weather it all came down to today. I had been nursing a sore left leg since February and had taken a longer taper than my training schedule called for. I was feeling pretty good. Melodie and I did not meet up before the race so we didn't start together which wasn't all bad - she is a much better (read faster) runner than me so we would have only been together for a couple of miles anyway.
I lined up at the start line with Dave Elsen and right next to us was my good friend and fellow wino, Linda Jeske. The three of us ran the first 2 miles together at a pace faster than I wanted to go out but I enjoyed the company. At two miles Dave wanted to pick up the pace so he went ahead. We were running faster than Linda wanted but I kept encouraging her to keep up the pace. At a water stop about mile 4 I got ahead of her and ran the next several miles without a partner. At about mile 10 I caught up to Dave and we ran together until the half and full marathoners split at mile 11. At this point I was feeling great and I was not psychologically crushed by turning away from the finish line to run 15 more miles. Somewhere before the half way point I even thought to myself "I wonder how many miles I could do in a 24 hour period?" Wow, was that optimist thinking!
The half way point was manned by Schneider National associates, where I used to work and where Melodie still works. They advised me that Melodie was about 10 minutes ahead of me. Also got a kiss and hug from a friend.
Carl after just passing 20 miles
About mile 15 I began to run out of energy. By now we were on the Fox River Trail, a familiar running venue so I was comfortable with my pacing - it was just slowing down. Keeping me going was the knowledge that at mile 20 my wife was going to join me to run three miles.
After going through "The Wall" at mile 20 my wife, daughter, and husband were waiting for me. It was an incredible energy boost for her to run with me. I knew my per mile time was slipping but my main goal was to finish without walking - and to this point I hadn't even thought about walking. I was focused on trying to come in with a time under 4 hours and 45 minutes.
The finish line - finally!
Mile 23, when my wife stopped running with me, was the first time I seriously considered walking. Shortly after that point I went through a water station and came up on a lady with her husband who I had ran the Dick Lytie Half Marathon with in April. There were walking so I started walking with them and encouraging them to start running again. Thankfully they did and that was the last time I walked. Mile 23 to Mile 26 were tough miles for me and I had to dig deep to keep going. I called myself a few choice names and reviewed the reasons I was doing the marathon to keep myself motivated.
The lap through Lambeau Field is was just a blur to me and I was running on auto pilot, just putting one foot in front of the other one. After coming out of Lambeau and making the final long stretch before turning the corner for the finish line it hit me that I was actually going to finish a full marathon. I was filled with emotion, tears came to my eyes, and a huge smile plastered my face. I even heard a bystander comment about my smile!
My wife, Lori, me, Buddy and Megan
My final time was 4 hours and 54 minutes a time that I'm very happy with. I've been asked would I do it again. The answer is YES.
Linda Jeske and me. Linda waited for 2 hours for me to finish.
The idea of running a marathon had its genesis about 30 years ago but laid dormant until last November 2009 when I was watching the last show of the season of the Biggest Loser where the final four contestants had to run a marathon. I said to myself, "If they can do it, so can I." And then in the next breath I said "But I'm sure my running partner, Melodie, won't want to do it (so I'm safe)." The next day at our regular run I mentioned that I was thinking about doing the Cellcom Green Bay marathon next year and, much to my surprise, she said "Sounds good to me." Damn! Now I had to do it!
Fast forward to May 16, 2010 - race day. After many months of training, running in cold, snowy, crappy weather it all came down to today. I had been nursing a sore left leg since February and had taken a longer taper than my training schedule called for. I was feeling pretty good. Melodie and I did not meet up before the race so we didn't start together which wasn't all bad - she is a much better (read faster) runner than me so we would have only been together for a couple of miles anyway.
I lined up at the start line with Dave Elsen and right next to us was my good friend and fellow wino, Linda Jeske. The three of us ran the first 2 miles together at a pace faster than I wanted to go out but I enjoyed the company. At two miles Dave wanted to pick up the pace so he went ahead. We were running faster than Linda wanted but I kept encouraging her to keep up the pace. At a water stop about mile 4 I got ahead of her and ran the next several miles without a partner. At about mile 10 I caught up to Dave and we ran together until the half and full marathoners split at mile 11. At this point I was feeling great and I was not psychologically crushed by turning away from the finish line to run 15 more miles. Somewhere before the half way point I even thought to myself "I wonder how many miles I could do in a 24 hour period?" Wow, was that optimist thinking!
The half way point was manned by Schneider National associates, where I used to work and where Melodie still works. They advised me that Melodie was about 10 minutes ahead of me. Also got a kiss and hug from a friend.
Carl after just passing 20 miles
About mile 15 I began to run out of energy. By now we were on the Fox River Trail, a familiar running venue so I was comfortable with my pacing - it was just slowing down. Keeping me going was the knowledge that at mile 20 my wife was going to join me to run three miles.
The finish line - finally!
Mile 23, when my wife stopped running with me, was the first time I seriously considered walking. Shortly after that point I went through a water station and came up on a lady with her husband who I had ran the Dick Lytie Half Marathon with in April. There were walking so I started walking with them and encouraging them to start running again. Thankfully they did and that was the last time I walked. Mile 23 to Mile 26 were tough miles for me and I had to dig deep to keep going. I called myself a few choice names and reviewed the reasons I was doing the marathon to keep myself motivated.
My wife, Lori, me, Buddy and Megan
Linda Jeske and me. Linda waited for 2 hours for me to finish.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Investment Club - May 2010
Investment Club YenoM had an excellent meeting on May 17, 2010 with six members in attendance. Carl presented a new stock to the club, U. S. Ecology (ECOL). The company is one of the older firms that recycles of hazardous material (radioactive, polychlorinated biphenyls, etc) and not-hazardous industrial waste. It services both commercial and governmental entities.
Number of Stocks: 14 (goal is 16 plus or minus 4)
Company Size: Large, Mid and Small are all out of tolerance. We need less large and more mid and small.
Sectors: All in tolerance except for Technology. We need less technology
Individual Stock Percentage: One stock, SunPower (SPWRA) is too low. That means we need to sell or add more. This is the first time since we've adopted this methodology that an individual stock is out of tolerance.
Percent Annual Return: in the sweet spot but on the low side
Quality: Good
Growth: in tolerance but on the low side
Individual Stocks analysis: Two stocks are of concern.
Sun Power due to low position and a very low quality rating and Hornbeck Offshore Services (HOS) due to a negative PAR and slightly low quality rating.
Our intent this month was to increase PAR and Growth while improving Mid and Small company size.
DECISION: Sell all of Sun Power (SPWRA) and use the funds plus available cash to purchase U. S. Ecology. Reasoning: Sun Power is not a quality company (based upon Manifest Investing) and the news seems to indicate that their product is not cutting edge. Their growth rate is around 6% which seems low for a company of this nature. U. S. Ecology's PAR is in the upper portion of the sweet spot, is a quality company with better growth prospects than Sun Power. So these decisions had the impact of improving overall growth potential and replaces a stock that we had lost our confidence in.
Number of Stocks: 14 (goal is 16 plus or minus 4)
Company Size: Large, Mid and Small are all out of tolerance. We need less large and more mid and small.
Sectors: All in tolerance except for Technology. We need less technology
Individual Stock Percentage: One stock, SunPower (SPWRA) is too low. That means we need to sell or add more. This is the first time since we've adopted this methodology that an individual stock is out of tolerance.
Percent Annual Return: in the sweet spot but on the low side
Quality: Good
Growth: in tolerance but on the low side
Individual Stocks analysis: Two stocks are of concern.
Sun Power due to low position and a very low quality rating and Hornbeck Offshore Services (HOS) due to a negative PAR and slightly low quality rating.
Our intent this month was to increase PAR and Growth while improving Mid and Small company size.
DECISION: Sell all of Sun Power (SPWRA) and use the funds plus available cash to purchase U. S. Ecology. Reasoning: Sun Power is not a quality company (based upon Manifest Investing) and the news seems to indicate that their product is not cutting edge. Their growth rate is around 6% which seems low for a company of this nature. U. S. Ecology's PAR is in the upper portion of the sweet spot, is a quality company with better growth prospects than Sun Power. So these decisions had the impact of improving overall growth potential and replaces a stock that we had lost our confidence in.
Posted by
1:46 PM
investment club,
portfolio management,

Monday, April 26, 2010
Best Picture Award - Unforgiven
This movie was the 1992 Best Picture Academy Award winning movie. My wife and I really enjoyed this movie. It contains a lot of violence but the story is well told. It contains Clint Eastwood, Gene Hackman, and Morgan Freeman.
The name of the movie comes from the fact that an incident that occurs in the beginning of the movie is never forgiven.
49 Best Picture movies seen. Only 31 left to see.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Best Picture Award - No Country For Old Men
This movie was the 2007 Best Picture Academy Award winning movie. I had high hopes that I would enjoy this movie because I had heard so much about it. Well it really disappointed me. It is full of violence and basically the plot goes nowhere. I’d recommend that you skip watching this movie.
My guess is the name of the movie comes from the fact that a lot of people get killed in the move.
48 Best Picture movies seen. Only 32 left to see.
My guess is the name of the movie comes from the fact that a lot of people get killed in the move.
48 Best Picture movies seen. Only 32 left to see.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Best Picture Award - Mrs. Miniver
This movie was the 1942 Best Picture Academy Award winning movie. The setting was England during World War Two which is interesting since the movie was made during World War Two. It is a story of war, of love, and of death. Somewhat predictable but well done none-the-less.
Mrs. Miniver is the main character in the movie – thus the name.
47 Best Picture movies seen. Only 33 left to see.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Best Picture Award - The Great Ziegfeld
This movie was the 1936 Best Picture Academy Award winning movie. A long movie that was pretty boring to boot. It is a musical and I admittedly don’t care for musicals but I think this one was worse than most. The story line about Ziegfeld has some interest but not enough to keep me from dozing a couple of times.
The movie is named after the main character – Mr. Ziegfeld.
46 Best Picture movies seen. Only 34 left to see.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Best Picture Award - Cimarron
This movie was the 1931 Best Picture Academy Award winning movie – the fourth year the award was given. The movie is set in Oklahoma prior to 1900 when it was first opened up for settlers and takes the story through 1930. There is a horrible love story about a guy that is never around and the lady that loves him. It makes him out to be a star of some sort but I just think he was a jerk. Interesting, at least to me, is that this movie also had a prominent character that had a stutter. His stutter was different than the character in “The Broadway Melody” the movie that won the Academy Award two years prior. Not sure I remember any other movies with a character that stutters.
The title of the movie comes from the name of the child of the main characters – although he doesn’t figure in the story very much.
44 Best Picture movies seen. Only 36 left to see.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Best Picture Award - Annie Hall
This movie was the 1977 Best Picture Academy Award winning movie. A love story between two very different people. The movie has its light moments, its humorous times, and parts that drag. I picked up several lines and sayings from pop culture that obviously originated with this movie. However, I didn’t like the movie.
Annie Hall is the name of the female character in the love story.
45 Best Picture movies seen. Only 35 left to see.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Investment Club - Jan 2010
Investment Club YenoM recently met with 7 members in attendance. Our portfolio is in pretty good shape based upon the criteria we are using to manage it. We need to add more small cap stocks that are not in either the technology or healthcare sectors.
We decided to sell all of our Linear Technology (LLTC) stock and use the proceeds of the sale and $1,000 in cash to purchase Neutral Tandem (TNDM). Neutral Tandem is a company that provides “interconnection services principally to competitive carriers, including wireless, wireline, cable, and broadband telephony companies in the United States.”
We made these decisions for the following reasons:
Sell LLTC:
1. Lowers our technology holdings which were above the amount the club set as the upper threshold
2. No one in the club has the background to properly understand and follow the products produced by LLTC
3. Eliminates the next to the lowest PAR stock in the portfolio (PAR was 8.3% vs portfolio PAR of 14.3%)
The only downside of selling LLTC was it lowered our percentage of stocks of the mid cap size - something we are trying to increase. However, the positive aspects of reducing the holding outweighed this negative.
The only downside of selling LLTC was it lowered our percentage of stocks of the mid cap size - something we are trying to increase. However, the positive aspects of reducing the holding outweighed this negative.
1. Adds exposure to a new sector (Telecom)
2. Increase our small cap holdings which were well below the targeted amount
3. Increases the overall PAR for the portfolio (PAR for stock is 19.2% vs 14.3% for the portfolio)
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8:33 AM
investment club,
portfolio management,

Sunday, January 10, 2010
FW: Best Picture Award - The Broadway Melody
This movie was the 1929 Best Picture Academy Award winning movie – the second year the award was given. It was a musical but not too much music so that part was OK with me. However, it was a cheesy love story that centered around a couple of women trying to break in on Broadway. The love story takes a couple of predictable twists. One guy I liked in the movie had a stutter which was humorous. He had lines like, “I’m going to shoot you with my gg… g.ggg… ggg…… revolver.”
The title of the movie is the same as the Broadway show that was depicted in the film – The Broadway Melody.
43 Best Picture movies seen. Only 37 left to see.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Review - 2009 Goal 2
My second goal last year (2009) was to run a half marathon in under 2 hours. Goal was NOT ACHIEVED but I was still successful.
Running a half marathon in 2009 was going to be my fourth. When I set the goal I knew it was aggressive since my personal best time was time in the previous 3 half marathons was 2:05:43 and I’m not getting any younger. My running partner, Melodie, agreed to the goal and we started training in January. At the time it didn’t sound all that hard to knock 5 minutes out of a two hour time period.
Fast forward to May when we ran the Cellcom Marathon in Green Bay. To achieve the time of 2 hours flat on the half marathon (13.1 miles) we needed to average 9 minute miles for each of the 13 miles. We started the run on a sunny morning with a temperature of 37 degrees – about perfect for our run. At the one mile mark we were at 8:37 – much faster than we needed so we slowed down. At mile two our time was 17:40 or 8:50 per mile. At this point I said to myself and then to Melodie, “This is the perfect pace – we are right on target.” At mile four we were still on pace for 9:00 minutes per mile and I felt pretty good.
We crossed the 7 mile mark at exactly 54 minutes or 9 minute miles. It was shortly after mile 7 when the race fell apart for me. I remember it well. We were on a slight uphill just after crossing Lombardi Avenue in a neighborhood where an old boyfriend of my daughter’s lived. It was just a slight uphill but it took everything I had to make it to the top and that is when I was pretty sure we were falling off pace. I thought to myself – that’s what a running partner is for – Melodie will have to keep pace and I’ll just stay with her. At mile 8 we had fallen way off pace and I told Melodie to not worry about me, to pick up the pace so she could hit the goal. Unfortunately, she didn’t have any get up and go left either. After the race she related to me that she ran out of gas – “shortly after the slight hill right by the porta-a-porties” or essentially the same place as me. So neither one of us could “pull” the other one along.
We kept running and at each mile marker we were falling further and further off our hoped for 9:00 minute per mile pace and then the goal became to finish the race. Running is as much a mental exercise as a physical one and the realization that we weren’t going to achieve our goal weight heavily on me. However, I’ve never quit a race and this one was no exception. We kept at it and much to my surprise and delight we crossed the finish line at 2:04:59 beating my previous personal best time by almost a full minute. In retrospect, I’m very proud of that time and I still have hopes of improving on it. However, my goal for 2010 is to complete my first full marathon (26.2) miles.
My training for the run began on Jan 4 2009 and will be tested at the Cellcom Marathon on May 2010.
Here is another person's 2009 Cellcom story.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Review - 2009 Goal 1
I read plenty of fiction books but it is just harder for me to want to sit down and read a non-fiction book.
In February I read “My Life on the Run” by Bart Yasso. Bart was the guest speaker at the Cellcom Marathon kickoff party in January so I decided to read his book about running. If you are a runner I think you will like the book. I also learned how to request a book at the library. No not how to find it on the book shelf rather how to submit a request for the library to purchase a book so it can be loaned out. Bart’s book had just recently been released and the library didn’t have a copy. I didn’t think I wanted the book for my library and, being cheap, I wasn’t going to buy it. The process to request a book from the Brown County library is real easy and, in this case, worked quickly.
In April I read “Lost!” by Thomas Thompson. I found this book in a old Readers Digest condensed book we had around the house. It didn’t have much of an impression on me as I don’t remember anything about the story and I’ve given the Readers Digest to Goodwill.
After taking the summer off from reading non-fiction I completed “The Intelligent Asset Allocation” by William Bernstein in September. An excellent, excellent primer on how and why to do asset allocation as an investment strategy. William Bernstein is an excellent author and this book as well as some of his others is currently guiding my personal and professional investing portfolio.
Finally, in November I completed reading “48 Days to the Work You Love” by Dan Miller. An well written book to provides practical guidance on conducting a job search. I liked the book so much that I’ve purchased additional copies and have started giving them to people that have lost their jobs to help them get back in the game. I would also recommend someone reading this that wanted to find a different job. Great advice on networking.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Running Recap for 2009
For Christmas 2008 my wife gave me a Garmin Forerunner 305 exercise watch. I had been looking at it for some time but just couldn’t justify spending that much money for a running watch. Since it was a gift I was “obligated” to use it.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Best Picture Award - Crash
This movie was the 2005 Best Picture Academy Award winning movie. This is a very interesting movie and well worth the time to watch it. From the title I thought the movie was going to be some cheesy story about cars and crashes. But it wasn’t and that is a good thing. The story reveals and revolves around many ethnic and racial stereotypes. No current stereotype is left untouched. The movie is well done and not offensive. In an interesting twist the characters portrayed initially as “good guys” end up being bad and “bad guys” as good, although some of them die.
The title Crash comes from the different people, cultures, and races all “crashing” into one another over a 36 hour period of time.
41 Best Picture movies seen. Only 39 left to see.
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