Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Time for Change??

Our new president ran on a ticket of "change". However, two of his Cabinet post nominees have failed to pay taxes in the past which feels to me like business as usual for politicians.

Timothy Geithner has been confirmed as Treasury Secretary which oversees the IRS and he didn't pay the taxes he owed until a couple of weeks before being nominated.

Tom Daschle paid his back taxes AFTER being nominated (he is not confirmed yet) and he owed $120,000!

Both of these cases sound like more of the same from politicians - Do as I say not as I do. What if you or I didn't pay our taxes when they were due? We'd most likely be put in jail. These two get by with paying the tax and saying "I'm sorry, it was a mistake."

If our new president had any courage and really wanted change he would withdraw the nomination of Daschle (whom he still supports) and nominate someone who at least pays their taxes on time.

1 comment:

Chris Elliott, Servant Leadership Student said...

Great points Carl! So many of our leaders and so called 'heros' are turning up shallow -- A-Rod being the latest celebrity. What does this say to our children, cheat as much as possible until you get caught?

President Obama, and every other turnover administration, is right. Change is needed. I'm ready, but are they?